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OctoPrint Plugin Skeleton

This is a basic plugin skeleton that you can use as a basis for your own OctoPrint plugin.

You can copy the files to a folder of your choice, or just clone this repository, renaming it in the process, and check it out. Then modify setup.py to fit your plugin, rename octoprint_skeleton accordingly and finally implement your plugin under octoprint_<plugin identifier>.

Example Usage

Clone your repository into a new development directory and rename octoprint_skeleton:

git clone https://github.com/OctoPrint/OctoPrint-PluginSkeleton OctoPrint-MyNewPlugin
cd OctoPrint-MyNewPlugin
mv octoprint_skeleton octoprint_mynewplugin

Modify setup.py's plugin_<xyz> settings so that they match your plugin, e.g.:

´´´ python plugin_identifier = "mynewplugin" plugin_name = "OctoPrint-MyNewPlugin" plugin_version = "1.0" plugin_description = "Awesome plugin that does something" plugin_author = "You" plugin_author_email = "you@somewhere.net" plugin_url = "https://github.com/you/OctoPrint-MyNewPlugin" ´´´

Then implement your plugin under octoprint_mynewplugin (don't forget to adjust __init__.py!), e.g.:

´´´ python


from future import absolute_import

import octoprint.plugin

class HelloWorldPlugin(octoprint.plugin.StartupPlugin): def on_after_startup(self): self._logger.info("Hello World!") plugin_name = "Hello World" plugin_implementations = [HelloWorldPlugin()] ´´´

Test it (e.g. via python setup.py develop. If everything works like it should, commit your code, then push it to your plugin's repository (this assumes you already created it on Github as you/OctoPrint-MyNewPlugin), e.g.:

git commit -a -m "Initial commit of MyNewPlugin"
git remote set-url origin git@github.com:you/OctoPrint-MyNewPlugin.git
git push -u origin master

Congratulations, you are now the proud maintainer of a new OctoPrint plugin! :) Don't forget to add an entry to the wiki once it's suitable for general consumption, so that other's may find it!