# coding=utf-8 from setuptools import setup, Command import os ######################################################################################################################## ### Do not forget to adjust the following variables to your own plugin. # The plugin's identifier, has to be unique plugin_identifier = "skeleton" # The plugin's python package, should be "octoprint_", has to be unique plugin_package = "octoprint_%s" % plugin_identifier # The plugin's human readable name. Can be overwritten within OctoPrint's internal data via __plugin_name__ in the # plugin module plugin_name = "OctoPrint-PluginSkeleton" # The plugin's version. Can be overwritten within OctoPrint's internal data via __plugin_version__ in the plugin module plugin_version = "0.1" # The plugin's description. Can be overwritten within OctoPrint's internal data via __plugin_description__ in the plugin # module plugin_description = "TODO" # The plugin's author. Can be overwritten within OctoPrint's internal data via __plugin_author__ in the plugin module plugin_author = "TODO" # The plugin's author's mail address. plugin_author_email = "todo@example.com" # The plugin's homepage URL. Can be overwritten within OctoPrint's internal data via __plugin_url__ in the plugin module plugin_url = "TODO" # The plugin's license. Can be overwritten within OctoPrint's internal data via __plugin_license__ in the plugin module plugin_license = "AGPLv3" # Additional package data to install for this plugin. The subfolders "templates", "static" and "translations" will # already be installed automatically if they exist. plugin_additional_data = [] ######################################################################################################################## # I18N setup I18N_MAPPING_FILE = "babel.cfg" I18N_DOMAIN = "messages" I18N_INPUT_DIRS = "." I18N_OUTPUT_DIR_PY = os.path.join(plugin_package, "translations") I18N_OUTPUT_DIR_JS = os.path.join(plugin_package, "static", "js", "i18n") I18N_POT_FILE = os.path.join(I18N_OUTPUT_DIR_PY, "messages.pot") # Requirements for out application INSTALL_REQUIRES = [ "OctoPrint" ] # Requirements for developing etc EXTRA_REQUIRES = dict( develop=[ # Translation dependencies "babel", "po2json" ] ) def package_data_dirs(source, sub_folders): import os dirs = [] for d in sub_folders: folder = os.path.join(source, d) if not os.path.exists(folder): continue for dirname, _, files in os.walk(folder): dirname = os.path.relpath(dirname, source) for f in files: dirs.append(os.path.join(dirname, f)) return dirs def _recursively_handle_files(directory, file_matcher, folder_handler=None, file_handler=None): applied_handler = False for filename in os.listdir(directory): path = os.path.join(directory, filename) if file_handler is not None and file_matcher(filename): file_handler(path) applied_handler = True elif os.path.isdir(path): sub_applied_handler = _recursively_handle_files(path, file_matcher, folder_handler=folder_handler, file_handler=file_handler) if sub_applied_handler: applied_handler = True if folder_handler is not None: folder_handler(path, sub_applied_handler) return applied_handler class CleanCommand(Command): description = "clean build artifacts" user_options = [] boolean_options = [] def initialize_options(self): pass def finalize_options(self): pass def run(self): import shutil import glob # build folder if os.path.exists('build'): print "Deleting build directory" shutil.rmtree('build') # eggs eggs = glob.glob("*.egg-info") for egg in eggs: print "Deleting %s directory" % egg shutil.rmtree(egg) # pyc files def delete_folder_if_empty(path, applied_handler): if not applied_handler: return if len(os.listdir(path)) == 0: shutil.rmtree(path) print "Deleted %s since it was empty" % path def delete_file(path): os.remove(path) print "Deleted %s" % path import fnmatch _recursively_handle_files( os.path.abspath(plugin_package), lambda name: fnmatch.fnmatch(name.lower(), "*.pyc"), folder_handler=delete_folder_if_empty, file_handler=delete_file ) # pyc files def delete_folder_if_empty(path, applied_handler): if not applied_handler: return if len(os.listdir(path)) == 0: shutil.rmtree(path) print "Deleted %s since it was empty" % path def delete_file(path): os.remove(path) print "Deleted %s" % path import fnmatch _recursively_handle_files( os.path.abspath(plugin_package), lambda name: fnmatch.fnmatch(name.lower(), "*.pyc"), folder_handler=delete_folder_if_empty, file_handler=delete_file ) class NewTranslation(Command): description = "create a new translation" user_options = [ ('locale=', 'l', 'locale for the new translation'), ] boolean_options = [] def __init__(self, dist, **kw): from babel.messages import frontend as babel self.babel_init_messages = babel.init_catalog(dist) Command.__init__(self, dist, **kw) def initialize_options(self): self.locale = None self.babel_init_messages.initialize_options() def finalize_options(self): self.babel_init_messages.locale = self.locale self.babel_init_messages.input_file = I18N_POT_FILE self.babel_init_messages.output_dir = I18N_OUTPUT_DIR_PY self.babel_init_messages.finalize_options() def run(self): self.babel_init_messages.run() class ExtractTranslation(Command): description = "extract translations" user_options = [] boolean_options = [] def __init__(self, dist, **kw): from babel.messages import frontend as babel self.babel_extract_messages = babel.extract_messages(dist) Command.__init__(self, dist, **kw) def initialize_options(self): self.babel_extract_messages.initialize_options() def finalize_options(self): self.babel_extract_messages.mapping_file = I18N_MAPPING_FILE self.babel_extract_messages.output_file = I18N_POT_FILE self.babel_extract_messages.input_dirs = I18N_INPUT_DIRS self.babel_extract_messages.msgid_bugs_address = plugin_author_email self.babel_extract_messages.copyright_holder = plugin_author self.babel_extract_messages.finalize_options() def run(self): self.babel_extract_messages.run() class RefreshTranslation(Command): description = "refresh translations" user_options = [ ('locale=', 'l', 'locale for the translation to refresh'), ] boolean_options = [] def __init__(self, dist, **kw): from babel.messages import frontend as babel self.babel_extract_messages = babel.extract_messages(dist) self.babel_update_messages = babel.update_catalog(dist) Command.__init__(self, dist, **kw) def initialize_options(self): self.locale = None self.babel_extract_messages.initialize_options() self.babel_update_messages.initialize_options() def finalize_options(self): self.babel_extract_messages.mapping_file = I18N_MAPPING_FILE self.babel_extract_messages.output_file = I18N_POT_FILE self.babel_extract_messages.input_dirs = I18N_INPUT_DIRS self.babel_extract_messages.msgid_bugs_address = plugin_author_email self.babel_extract_messages.copyright_holder = plugin_author self.babel_extract_messages.finalize_options() self.babel_update_messages.input_file = I18N_POT_FILE self.babel_update_messages.output_dir = I18N_OUTPUT_DIR_PY self.babel_update_messages.locale = self.locale def run(self): self.babel_extract_messages.run() self.babel_update_messages.run() class CompileTranslation(Command): description = "compile translations" user_options = [] boolean_options = [] def __init__(self, dist, **kw): from babel.messages import frontend as babel self.babel_compile_messages = babel.compile_catalog(dist) Command.__init__(self, dist, **kw) def initialize_options(self): self.babel_compile_messages.initialize_options() def finalize_options(self): self.babel_compile_messages.directory = I18N_OUTPUT_DIR_PY def run(self): self.babel_compile_messages.run() import po2json for lang_code in os.listdir(I18N_OUTPUT_DIR_PY): full_path = os.path.join(I18N_OUTPUT_DIR_PY, lang_code) if os.path.isdir(full_path): client_po_dir = os.path.join(full_path, "LC_MESSAGES") po2json.update_js_file( "%s/%s.po" % (client_po_dir, I18N_DOMAIN), lang_code, I18N_OUTPUT_DIR_JS, I18N_DOMAIN ) def params(): # Our metadata, as defined above name = plugin_name version = plugin_version description = plugin_description author = plugin_author author_email = plugin_author_email url = plugin_url license = plugin_license # adding the new commands cmdclass = { 'clean': CleanCommand, 'babel_new': NewTranslation, 'babel_extract': ExtractTranslation, 'babel_refresh': RefreshTranslation, 'babel_compile': CompileTranslation }; # we only have our plugin package to install packages = [plugin_package] # we might have additional data files in sub folders that need to be installed too package_data = {plugin_package: package_data_dirs(plugin_package, ['static', 'templates', 'translations'] + plugin_additional_data)} include_package_data = True # If you have any package data that needs to be accessible on the file system, such as templates or static assets # this plugin is not zip_safe. zip_safe = False install_requires = INSTALL_REQUIRES extras_require = EXTRA_REQUIRES if os.environ.get('READTHEDOCS', None) == 'True': # we can't tell read the docs to please perform a pip install -e .[develop], so we help # it a bit here by explicitly adding the development dependencies, which include our # documentation dependencies install_requires = install_requires + extras_require['develop'] # Hook the plugin into the "octoprint.plugin" entry point, mapping the plugin_identifier to the plugin_package. # That way OctoPrint will be able to find the plugin and load it. entry_points = { "octoprint.plugin": ["%s = %s" % (plugin_identifier, plugin_package)] } return locals() setup(**params())