OctoPrint Plugin Skeleton ========================= This is a basic plugin skeleton that you can use as a basis for your own OctoPrint plugin. You can copy the files to a folder of your choice, or just clone this repository, renaming it in the process, and check it out. Then modify ``setup.py`` to fit your plugin, rename ``octoprint_skeleton`` accordingly and finally implement your plugin under ``octoprint_``. Example Usage ------------- Clone your repository into a new development directory and rename ``octoprint_skeleton``: git clone https://github.com/OctoPrint/OctoPrint-PluginSkeleton OctoPrint-MyNewPlugin cd OctoPrint-MyNewPlugin mv octoprint_skeleton octoprint_mynewplugin Modify `setup.py`'s `plugin_` settings so that they match your plugin, e.g.: ``` python plugin_identifier = "mynewplugin" plugin_name = "OctoPrint-MyNewPlugin" plugin_version = "1.0" plugin_description = "Awesome plugin that does something" plugin_author = "You" plugin_author_email = "you@somewhere.net" plugin_url = "https://github.com/you/OctoPrint-MyNewPlugin" ``` Then implement your plugin under ``octoprint_mynewplugin`` (don't forget to adjust ``__init__.py``!), e.g.: ``` python # coding=utf-8 from __future__ import absolute_import import octoprint.plugin class HelloWorldPlugin(octoprint.plugin.StartupPlugin): def on_after_startup(self): self._logger.info("Hello World!") __plugin_name__ = "Hello World" __plugin_implementations__ = [HelloWorldPlugin()] ``` Test it (e.g. via ``python setup.py develop``). If everything works, write a nice ``README.md``, replacing the existing one. Commit your code, then push it to your plugin's repository (this assumes you already created it on Github as ``you/OctoPrint-MyNewPlugin``), e.g.: git commit -a -m "Initial commit of MyNewPlugin" git remote set-url origin git@github.com:you/OctoPrint-MyNewPlugin.git git push -u origin master Congratulations, you are now the proud maintainer of a new OctoPrint plugin! :) Don't forget to add an entry to the [wiki](https://github.com/foosel/OctoPrint/wiki#plugins) once it's suitable for general consumption, so that other's may find it!